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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Best Reviewing the 2011 Chevy Cruze

Reviewing the 2011 Chevy CruzeFrom the Vega to the Chevette to the Cavalier to the Cobalt - GM's economy cars have had their ups and downs. Some (like Cobalt) were decent; others (like Cavalier) were disasters. Mostly, GM looked on small, economy-type cars as throwaways - "loss leaders," in the language of Detroit. The money was in big cars (and bigger SUVs). So that's where the effort went.Exiting bankruptcy - and facing a world that has come to...

Modern Performance Cars Aren Muscle Cars

Modern Performance Cars Aren't Muscle CarsThe Dodge Challenger, Chevy Camaro and Ford Mustang are great performance cars, but they aren't muscle cars. That species is extinct - and there's no bringing them back.Muscle cars were born at a unique moment in American history when technology had developed to the point that enormously powerful engines were becoming available but the government hadn't caught up with them yet. When it was possible to build...