2011 Chrysler's Dodge Durango SUV Back Production, Earlier, the news came that the Dodge Durango will be reproduced with a Magnum. Manufacturers from the United States that, during 2005 - 2008 it could produce a variant wagon with rear-wheel drive system named Magnum. However, the production of wagons was also discontinued in 2008.

Sources at the
Chrysler Group, said the chances of Durango will be produced in two engine choices. First, the Chrysler Pentastar engine 3600 cc 5700 cc V6 and HEMI V8 engine. Both use automatic transmission device with five levels of acceleration.
In the early stages, said the source, type
produced Durango is similar to the standard type 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. SUV's are also produced in the factory where the Grand Cherokee is produced.

Only, until now there is no detailed information on machine specifications and features Happenings
Durango SUVs such Anyar. So even with the price range
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