2011 Nissan Electric Leaf hatchback, The company presented a new Nissan Electric Leaf. Motor power - 80 kW (109 hp), torque - 28.5 kg-m. To fully charge the lithium-ion batteries require 8 hours under a voltage of 200 V. Charge of 80% would take only 30 minutes. Nissan Leaf is able to pass on the same recharge up to 160 km. The model designed on the base
hatchback Nissan Tiida: five doors and five seats. Design of the body have developed with the need to lower aerodynamic drag.

New items will sell in Japan, the
United States and Europe in late 2010.According to the company of Carlos Gonave, by 2020 electric market would be 20% of the total auto market. And in the next 20 years, the world sell 5,5-6 million electric
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