According to the press service of the Japanese automakers, increased unit capacity twice been achieved through better conductivity electrolyte layer inside membrane-electronic unit, where the main chemical reaction, as well as through a more densely packed structure of cells.
Increasing the number of cells in the structure, in turn, has been achieved by replacing carbon separator to the new separator of thin metal. A special coating separator helps improve conductivity and prevents the chemical corrosion, which leads to greater efficiency and reliability throughout the life of the fuel cell block.
The combined changes made in block fuel cells, led to an increase twice the power unit that will reduce by one third the size of the block and significantly reduce cost without deteriorating performance. Compared with the previous generation of a new unit productivity grew at 1.4 times - from 90 kw to 130 kw, which will result in larger movement of vehicles. The volume declined to block 75% - up to 68 litres, compared with 90 litres, that would make the possibility of more flexible layout.
The development of fuel cell block next generation - an integral part of the establishment of friendly to the environment technologies, sold under the programme of 2010 Nissan Green Program. The programme aims at developing new technologies, products and services that will lead to real emission reduction CO2, as well as reduce other kinds of harmful emissions and improving the recycling of materials. Testing vehicles with new blocks of fuel cells will start this year.

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